16 – How To Increase Your Agency’s Rates

As agencies grow, they naturally raise their rates to reflect the higher demand for their services and, hopefully, the higher value they can provide. However, many agency owners are sentimental when it comes to the clients that helped them get started. If you have...

15 – Company Culture & How To Approach It

Company culture is a joke and employees are the punch line. Hard work. Integrity. Curiosity. Fun…  There are a lot of words that people throw out when discussing company culture and they tend to be values and traits that anyone in business should have regardless of...

14 – How To Measure Employee Bandwidth

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you may know that I am a huge proponent of improving employee experience. EX, as it’s sometimes called, can increase profitability by increasing employee retention, which correlates to client retention. It is widely known...

12 – Onboarding & Client Retention

We’ve talked over and over about how important client retention is, but it’s hard to quickly and clearly articulate how to retain clients. It’s all too easy to think “I’ll just get great performance and they’ll stay”. The reality is that it’s not that simple.  Way too...

11 – 3 Ways To Increase Client Retention

Client retention is a huge factor for agency success. Agencies that can acquire a lot of clients quickly look great on the outside, but they crash and burn hard when jaded clients start dropping nasty reviews about how they’re all talk and no walk. There are different...